Self-service university account 2.42

Change password
Sometimes we will ask you to enter your password, even when you've just authenticated yourself. This mainly happens in case of services for which personal information is used or changed.
Authenticate yourself with your username and password. Then type a new password.
Type your username and password
 Set a new password
New password
Confirm new password

The password needs to meet the following criteria:

  • It must contain alphanumercial characters only (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), or special characters: ~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}|;':,.<>?\"/
  • It must contain at least 1 digit or special character, 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase character.
  • It must contain at least 8 characters and 32 characters at the most.
  • Existing Dutch and English words may not be used.
  • It must not be simple/systematic (e.g. not 12345abcd).
  • Your Tilburg University user name, family name and administration number may not to be used in the password.
  • You may not have used this password before.
Enter your username
You may have devices like a smartphone, tablet, desktop, etc. that still have your previous password stored.
Remember to update your password on all your devices after you set your password!
Do you use eduroam wireless?
N.B. your eduroam-username is